Chinese Government Exposed!!!!!, See what this brave Chinese woman said against the Chinese Government In a video.

Chinese Government Exposed!!!!!, See what this brave Chinese woman said against the Chinese Government In a video.

A Chinese lady who stays in the city of Wuhan,China has mouth washed the Chinese government down to the lowest level.

She says that the Chinese government planned and schemed the outbreak of the Corona virus, she also said that only normal or i would rather say average citizens suffer from the pandemic in China. 

She says the Chinese government is responsible for the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic. She says the Government doesn't care about the average Chinese citizen, she labels the Chinese government an evil communist party, a corrupt regime and an evil society. She says there is tension everywhere as no one can speak freely against the Chinese Government. She says even righteous lawyers are useless in this case as they are always caught and locked up by the Government.

She says she is ready to make the sacrifice in order for the Chinese government to be exposed. She also said that all the news and statistics China has been giving the rest of the world is a lie.

She encourages her fellow citizens and the rest of the world to resist the Chinese Government for the sake of the next generation.

Here's a link to the video below๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

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